Revolutionary wall forming systems from Nuform Building Technologies Inc. (NUFORM®) offer builders, developers, architects and property owners a cost-effective way to complete construction and renovation projects. Made in our conveniently-located, modern manufacturing facility in Ontario, Canada, we provide fast turnaround on orders all round the world irrespective of size. From custom homes to military installations, vehicle wash buildings and noise barriers, our cutting-edge building solutions serve a variety of needs.
In addition to speeding up construction and occupancy, they offer a lifetime of savings in terms of low maintenance, energy-efficiency and durability. Their green features are UL Environment validated and can earn you up to 15 valuable LEED points in your qualification process.
CONFORM® is a revolutionary stay-in-place concrete wall forming …
RELINE®, when used as a ceiling panel, is the perfect complement …
The high performance RENU® paneling system offers an innovative …
NUFORM® innovative wall forming systems are engineered for superior performance, durability and energy efficiency. Take advantage of our professional design, logistics, technical assistance and onsite training services for your project.